The Exhibit Experience
(A photo collection captured by Antonio Graham
through out the year 2020)
16x24 metallic prints on foam boards
1. Electronic Desert: People passing through times square with high restrictions. All we had is our technology and a thirst for face to face interactions.
2. Womb of War: A woman on a bike serving the protesters aid just in case they are harmed or get hurt in any way. On her own accord in midtown Manhattan. It was a rare site that was granted a creative gesture.
3. "Race" Driver: Protest promoter with an advertising vehicle parked in the middle of a busy commercial street amplifying the people's voices.
4. Toxic Museum: People protesting in front of the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn. Covid-19 was high and on rampage without a vaccine but the issues at hand had conviction for close encounter.
5. Boxer's Corner: A group of people serving the protesters water on Their own accord to help prolong the messaging. They were stationed any where they could in close proximity.
6. Remote Troll: Creative civilians make a shield and other items as a statement of their fight assimilating war. For hours on the Washington D.C streets these acts occurred often in large groups.
7. They VS Them: Trump supporters and B.L.M protesters clash near the white house. The arguments, screaming matches and possible altercations resulted from an information bias.
8. Splendor: A clear and open performance by a black bird along with many other war planes in celebration of July 4th.
The Lawn was filled with on lookers on a very warm sunny day.
9. Striketest: A clear and open performance of fireworks in celebration of July 4th 2020 while B.L.M protesters looms in the shadows of the evening hours.
10. Glory Bloom: A clear and open performance of fireworks in celebration of July 4th 2020 while B.L.M protesters looms in the shadows of the evening hours.